Step2 Naturally Playful Picnic Table with Umbrella

Step2 Naturally Playful Picnic Table with Umbrella

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wine Food Pairing - An Unplanned Backyard Picnic!

Wine Food Pairing - An Unplanned Backyard Picnic!

I always say that Wine Food PAiring is and adventure and a challenge....well this narrative is an exquisite example!

Last weekend we had a friend from Salzburg staying with us in Vienna. A delightful, eccentric man that my husband has known for several years. We spent the day at a health fAir and were Tired and hungry by the time we got home. I had purchased some amazing Chantrelle mushrooms at a shop that had been gathered fresh from the local area that morning. I knew about a customary Austrian dish prepared with these delightful fungi and eggs, but I wasn't quite sure about all the ingredients.

Our friend, Gernot, assured us that he would get ready the evening meal as this was his favorite dish and a specialty of his....what could be better? I love it when someone cooks for me!

I opened a French red wine that my husband purchased the day before....a terrifying tasting wine that would pAir perfectly with the "meaty" mushrooms. I got the ingredients out of the pantry for Gernot and I started putting together the mixed green salad....working in different parts of the kitchen I wasn't certainly watching him, but I felt sure that if he needed assistance he would just ask. Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What, you ask, could happen with a few eggs and mushrooms? Bread in the Microwave, that's what! Apparently, Gernot was not customary with a microwave oven.....we don't certainly use our microwave much and we have located it in the pantry behind a accomplished door so I didn't even see him go in there. Well, as the story goes, Gernot said that he just wanted to warm up the crusty bread a bit so he set the microwave on high for 5 can imagine, 3 pieces of bread being "nuked" like that. I smelled the smoke first, then looked colse to and saw the smoke rolling out from under the pantry door. Holy Cow! I yanked open the microwave door and extinguished the blackened bread and all the while my husband is chance all the windows to let the clouds of smoke roll out....what a mess!!!!! everybody was coughing and tears were running from our eyes!

Needless to say, we couldn't sit in the house to fact the smoke smell is still in the house 4 days later! I gathered up the plates, glasses and of procedure the wine which was certainly needed now and went out to the backyard table. I lighted a candle, Gernot brought the pan of eggs and mushrooms and my husband brought the remaining cold bread and a second bottle of wine!

Wine Food Pairing and an unplanned picnic! The egg and mushroom aggregate was terrifying and the French red paired beautifully. It was a bit cold the 40's, but the sky was clear and the stars twinkling brightly....always an adventure and sometimes a challenge! Cheers!

Golden Berries Health Benefits City of Fallen Angels Infrared Electric Grill

Monday, December 5, 2011

Facts To Know About Picnic Tables

Facts To Know About Picnic Tables

Even if I am carefully to be a weirdo or old-fashioned yet I do not refrain from saying that I do find something very classy about the wooden picnic tables. I beyond doubt do not remember when we had got the first wooden picnic table at our home. I only remember that it was when I was just a child. I can only remember how excited my dad was and though am not fully sure, he had built the table himself or may be at least had gathered the items from a kit and fixed them. I do remember the first picnic that we had at our backyard and also vividly remember one ladybug that was crawling along the table. How long did I keep staring at it, I do not remember but this much I know that the ladybug fascinated me beyond words and I just could not get enough of watching it crawl far and wide.

Though it was right at the backyard of our own home and so I would not call it a picnic yet I remember the lunch was great that day. We had cold cuts, bread and home-made potato salad that my mother was sublime for. The view of it still brings water to my mouth. I remember my mother bringing them out and laying them on the picnic table and how we dug in them. We had beyond doubt a heavy lunch that day as I remember that right after the lunch I had stretched myself on the grass for hours and looked at the sky and the clouds for several hours since I was much concerned in them as a child. I remember staring at the new table too for quite a long time.

Just at present as I am on my own and need one to buy, I have to see the wooden picnic table from a different angle. This one is a harder task. From the look any or every picnic table is the same but once you sit on it you would perceive immediately that it is not the whole thing. As a matter of fact a bigger picnic table is sturdy and long continuing in the long run and you would beyond doubt be satisfied to own one. In case a wooden picnic table is reinforced with concrete or steel then it becomes best as it would last even longer. But one must remember that a sturdy look is not enough for a picnic table. As it is commonly kept out in the lawn it has to be strong enough to ward off weather extremities and there lies the goodness of its quality.

picnic table frame

Decorative Pillow